とある沖縄民謡歌手KIKOの日常 ーKiko Okinawaー

三線 沖縄よもやま 組踊 沖縄移住歴15年 唄者歴20年 大好きな三線で広がった世界♡ごゆっくり読んでくださいね♡ 気に入ったら読者登録お願いします💖

To KIKO's friends overseas who wants to get my new CD album 'Ryuuka'(琉宝歌)!


KIKO's new CD 'Ryuuka' (2019) now on sale!

Hi, KIKO's friends overseas who wants to get my new CD album 'Ryuuka'(琉宝歌)!
It'll be on sale 16th, Octorber, 2019 in whole area of  Japan.
My friend in Australia taught me she could buy my CD via 'Buyee' site.
The site do proxy buyer for you to Japanese E-commerce goods. Please have a look to the link.
I am looking forward very much how far and how many countries my CD travel !!!! :D
